Dealing With People

Yes…I deal with people. Sometimes I don’t like dealing with people. This is why Staff is so important to have. At times I will let my Staff put up with people so I don’t have to. But there are times that the leader of the organization has to take the bull by the horns andContinue reading “Dealing With People”


No, I’m not speaking of the apocalypse; I am simply speaking about revelation, about truth, yay, absolute truth. I had an interesting conversation with a young man the other day from a different faith than mine. He believes that an angelic being spoke to his prophet and gave him another testament of Jesus Christ. In fact,Continue reading “Revelation”

How to Handle Fear in 2015 – Part 2

Well, I was in the midst of writing this second part when all of a sudden I accidentally closed the window where I was writing. I fear doing that when I write. I was just about to finish the article, as a matter of fact. So, Let me attempt to remember what I so wonderfullyContinue reading “How to Handle Fear in 2015 – Part 2”