
Man Hand writing Consistency is The Key with black marker on visual screen

“Consistency” is defined in several different ways:

  1. a degree of density, firmness, viscosity, etc.
  2. steadfast adherence to the same pricniples, course, form, etc.
  3. agreement, harmony, or compatability, especially correspondence or uniformity among the parts of a complex thing.
  4. the condition of cohering or holding together and retaining form; solidity or firmness.*

It comes from the word “consistent” which has the meanings:

  1. agreeing or accordant; compatible; not self-contradictory.
  2. constantly adhering to the same principles, course, form, etc.
  3. holding firmly together; cohering.
  4. Archaic: fixed, firm.*

To be consistent means then to holdfast in what it is that you want to be consistent. It means that you will live in constant agreement, adhering to the things that are most important to you.

For me, the most important thing is my relationship to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Bible tells me in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are His creative work, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we can do them.” I want to be consistent in my relationship with the God that I believe.

Next, my family needs my consistentcy in presence and participation. This takes me being attentive. I’m unfortunately not always as attentive as I should be, but I’m working on it. I need to be sure to be home with my family and I need to speak with them, listen to them, love them, and be an active part of their lives as they are with me.

Then being consistent with my church is vital. Since I’m a member of a local congregation, I want to be consistent in my presence in worship and other Bible studies. I also want to consistently participate in the various planned activities with other members. This takes time and it takes consistency to get to know others and to become friends in the faith that we share.

Finally, my country is of great import in my mind and I desire to be a good citizen. The world–or so it seems–is chaos right now. I want to be consistent in blessing those around me even when everything seems to be chaotic. That means that I need to be kind and do my fair share of what needs to be done to help create a safe community in which to live. I love my country so I want to help take care of it.

Consistency in all of these things is not the easiest all of the time. Sometimes I waver in this one or that one, but these are things of which I want to be consistent. But how can we be consistent to that which we find most important? Let me give you a few steps to help you be consistent.

Evaluate what you find to be most important to you.

Look at your life and discover what is most important to you. Take the time to think through where you desire to be consistent. Ask yourself: Am I consistent with my relationship to Jesus Christ? Am I consistent with my family relationships? Am I consistent with my connection to my church and my faith?

Study the idea of consistency.

Look up what it means to be consistent. You can use a wonderful tool like Google to look up how you can be consistent in the areas that are most important to you. Certainly there are books that can help you train yourself in thinking and acting. As I’ve heard it said before, eat the meat of what you learn and spit out the bones! Not everything you read will be beneficial, but that which is you keep! Keep it and apply it as you learn it!

Work on consistency.

Take the time to work on being consistent. There will be times when you are inconsistent. We all have times when we get tired or anxious or whatever else comes our way. But you don’t have time to give up! You only have time to get back on track and become consistent again. It takes work to have a change of mind. Take the time you need and don’t give up. As each day comes, do something that will help you get in the habit of being consistent.

Reevaluate what you are doing.

Take the time to reevaluate what it is that you have been doing to be consistent. You may find that you need to change something that you are doing. Moreover, you may actually find that what you thought was important to you is not really all that important! If it’s not important, then it’s alright for you to drop that and continue to learn what really is important.

Finally, rejoice in consistency!

When you have a win, then rejoice in it! Celebrate how God continues to bless you in the conistentcy that He is helping you to have. It is through Him that we live our lives–whether we are conistent or inconsistent. It is through Jesus Christ that we can accomplish what it is that He has planned for us.

I realize this is not an exhaustive list by any means. What other ideas do you have to become more consistent in the things that are most important to you?

* Definitions from

There Are Times…

There are times that I want to write and there are times I really don’t want to write. Today happens to be one of those days that I feel like writing. Nothing in particular, just to set down some thoughts to get them out of my mind.

I’ve been thinking about God’s blessings upon my family and me. He truly has blessed us with everything that He has entrusted to us. While there is a winter storm outside, we are inside a warm home. I’m about to start a fire in the fireplace. We just had a wonderful breakfast and I’m sitting here in my recliner typing on my computer. My two Sons are in their rooms doing stuff. They feel blessed because they don’t have school today due to the inclement weather. My wife is relaxing in her recliner as she doesn’t have to go into her office. My dog, Max, is sitting in front of me dressed in his thunder jacket as we have thunder sleet happening. Even though he’s a nervous wreck, he’s blessed, too!

I’ve been thinking about the church I pastor. It is the best ministry of which I have been a part. My Staff is excellent and each of us strives for excellence–not perfection as we know that we will not be perfect as of right now. Excellence in all that we do is one of our goals. Another goal is to keep the unity of the church. We do this with the idea that we are all part of the one ministry of our church: we love God, love people, and we’re doing something about it together. We go and share the Good News of Jesus Christ and the salvation that He gives to all who believe. We serve our community through prayer and ministering in various aspects. We want to serve Jesus Christ who is Lord of lords and King of kings.

I’ve been thinking about seminary. I’m taking an Old Testament class this semester. It is excellent and I have an excellent professor–even when he chases rabbits during his lectures (all the rabbits are in the same corral, so I think it’s alright). At my age I’m pursuing a Masters in Theological Studies. After I obtain this degree, I may attempt a PhD or some other higher degree just for my own satisfaction. It’s not necessary on the one hand, but it is something that is on my mind to do.

I’ve been thinking about my family. My dad and his wife are out of the country right now. My mom is in west Texas with my sister. My brothers are all close by even though we don’t get together as often as I’d like. Each person in my family is busy with so many things with their own families just like I’m busy with mine. When we are able to get together, we always have a good time together.

There are times … I just sit and think … I just ponder … I just thank God for the ability.

Full of Grace & Truth, John 1:14-18


The Word became flesh. The Word that was in the beginning with God and was with God became flesh (John 1:1, 14). When before He was Spirit He took on flesh–He became flesh. When He came in flesh He did not have the sin nature that we have, but was born by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18). He was not tainted by a human father’s sinful nature. Rather, the Word’s very  nature was that of God, namely God the Father. This Word that became flesh was perfect in every way. And in this Word we see His glory as the unique and only Son of God. There is none like Him nor will there be any like Him; for He is full of grace and truth being that He is Truth (John 14:6).

John testified about the Word who became flesh (John 1:6-9). John testified that he was not the Light that was to come into the world but the Word of God was the Light. He would illumine those who would believe in Him with grace and truth. It is by His grace and truth that John testified of the One who has a higher rank than he. For what reason did He have a higher rank? “He existed before me,” John said (John 1:15). “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being” (John 1:1-3). He existed before John and the Word was the Creator of all things. Being in the beginning means He was before time and space as we perceive it.

In the Word, we have received “grace upon grace.” This means that we receive one blessing after another. In the Word–in Jesus Christ–the only begotten Son of God–we receive every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Him (Ephesians 1:3). This is by His grace and He continually gives us grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing, and it is in His fullness or perfections. When the Word became flesh and dwelt among men, we have seen in Him the fullness of God being that He is fully and very God.

The Law was given to God’s people through Moses (John 1:17). Through the Word–Jesus Christ–grace and truth were realized. They were realized through the Creation story since He created all things. They are realized by the blessings He graciously bestows upon us because of His grace and truth. And it is in this grace and truth that we see His very character: that of grace and truth. There is no mixture of error in Him as with us. His nature is that of God while still being in the flesh. This Truth who is the Word of God lives in the reality of God’s grace and truth. He only speaks grace and truth; He can do no other.

So this Word of God is the final communique of God to mankind. Jesus Christ has explained God in grace and truth (John 1:18). No one has ever seen God face to face, but Jesus Christ, the Word, the only begotten Son of God, has been face to face with God who is His Father. He has shown who God is in grace and truth. There is no one else who could do this with preciseness like the Word of God who is Truth (John 14:6). Only Jesus Christ can fully explain God to us.

Praise the name of the Word of God: Jesus Christ!