A Minister’s Prayer

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892), known as “the prince of preachers”, was one of the most prolific writers of his generation. His writings are rich with theology, Biblical knowledge that seems to transcend the times and generations. The words that he chose to use in his writings glorified the One whom he considered to be hisContinue reading “A Minister’s Prayer”

Pleading With God

Asaph, in Psalm 74, is grieving the fallen city of Jerusalem and its temple, the place where God meets with His people. He calls out to God to hear, answer, and move to reestablish His fallen but covenanted people. Through this prayer, Asaph teaches us a model of pleading with God: a) it is direct;Continue reading “Pleading With God”

The Proper Perspective

Asaph, one of the musicians in King David’s court, writes a beautiful psalm–Psalm 73. It is a wonderful psalm. It is a psalm that brings its reader into his realm. His thoughts are deep and they are telling. They tell us how we, too, can fall into the same trap that Asaph almost fell into.Continue reading “The Proper Perspective”