Dealing With People

Yes…I deal with people. Sometimes I don’t like dealing with people. This is why Staff is so important to have. At times I will let my Staff put up with people so I don’t have to. But there are times that the leader of the organization has to take the bull by the horns andContinue reading “Dealing With People”

Words We Use

Over the past several years, I have been surprised at how many Christians use words so frivolously. We use terms such as “pouring into others” or “speaking into people’s lives.” What do those phrases even mean? Today I read an email from a group of which I used to be a part where this guyContinue reading “Words We Use”

The Impossible Made Possible

Many things are impossible to do. For instance, I remember when I would have discussions with friends in elementary school where we were speaking about the strength of our dads. It would start with: “My dad can lift 100 pounds!” “Well, my dad can lift 200 pounds!” “Well, my dad can lift a car withContinue reading “The Impossible Made Possible”