
It’s hard for me to vacation…sometimes. Most of the time I’m thinking about what’s going on at my office and what’s happening with the business of the day. But this was a different vacation. It’s because I have a Staff that I trust and believe are going to keep doing what we have planned inContinue reading “Vacation”


Nope! That is not a picture of me! I’m writing today to tell you about being sunburned. My wife and I have been vacationing with our two Sons and we decided to go to a water park today. It was really a lot of fun. There were just enough people there to be just aContinue reading “Sunburned”

“I made it through it…thanks for asking!”

If only I had a Valium prior to going to the dentist. It is so grueling to me to have to drive to his office. Throughout the entire drive I just think of how much pain is going to be involved in the visit. Granted, teeth cleaning is not by necessity a painful thing. IContinue reading ““I made it through it…thanks for asking!””